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Privacy Policy

The "Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") applies to all products and/or services provided by SUPERSPEED TRADING CO., LIMITED. (hereinafter referred to as "we", "SUPERSPEED") to users (hereinafter referred to as "you"). Including but not limited to the website, App and other websites and apps operated by the website, and different types of existing or possible future Internet products or services.

The range of products and services provided by the company is very wide, so this Privacy Policy may not fully cover all possible personal information collection and processing scenarios under all products and services. The content of personal information collected by a particular product or service may be set forth in a separate privacy policy or statement issued by a particular product or service.

In the event of any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and other specific privacy policies or statements of specific products or services, please refer to the privacy policies or statements of other specific products or services.

Please read and confirm that you fully understand this Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of specific products or services (if any) before using the products and/or services so that you can make an appropriate choice.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us through the means provided in the "How to contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.



In this Privacy Policy, the clauses that have or may have a significant relationship with your rights and interests, the personal sensitive information that we may collect, and the clauses that have or may have a disclaimer or limitation of liability for us are indicated in bold and underlined.  Please read and pay attention to them.

Our products and/or services are only available to adults over the age of 18.  If you are a minor under the age of 18, especially children under the age of 14, please do not use our products and/or services without the consent and guidance of your guardian.  If you find that we have inadvertently collected a child's personal information, we will delete such personal information as soon as possible after receiving your notice.

This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:

1. Definition

2.  How do we collect and use your personal information

3.  How do we use cookies and similar technologies

4.  How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

5.  How do we protect your personal information

6.  How do we store your personal information

7.  Your rights

8. Other third parties and their services

9. Protection of minors

10.  Changes to this Privacy Policy

11.  How to contact us


I. Definition

          Spmsalemall: refers to SUPERSPEED TRADING CO., LIMITED. and its related services may exist in the operation of related units.

          Third party: refers to suppliers that we cooperate with for collection of personal information, storage of data, system maintenance, business support and other requirements, or individuals, companies, enterprises or other organizations that establish cooperation or investment relationships with us for other matters.

          Personal information: refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the personal identity of a natural person alone or in combination with other information, but does not include anonymized information.

          Personal sensitive information: refers to personal information that may endanger personal and property safety, easily lead to personal reputation, physical and mental health damage or discriminatory treatment once disclosed, illegally provided or abused. For the relevant personal sensitive information listed in this Privacy Policy, in order to make you aware when reading, we will remind you of it by means of prominent identification or direct explanation in this privacy Policy.

Child: means a minor under the age of 14 years or more.

          Personal information deletion: refers to the act of removing personal information from the systems involved in the implementation of products and/or services, so that it remains unsearchable and inaccessible.

          Anonymization: refers to the processing of personal information such that it does not identify a specific individual and cannot be recovered.

2. How do we collect and use your personal information

          When you use our products or services, we need to collect and use your personal information in order to enter into, perform contracts or implement human resources management. In addition, in some cases, in order to provide you with our products or services, you need to authorize and have the option to authorize us to collect and use personal information.

1. Sign up as a user

          When you register and log in to your account, you will need to provide us with your email account information. Please understand that this is necessary to reach you. In addition, you also need to provide us with your user name and registration password information, so that we can help you create a user name and password, complete account registration and login. If you refuse to provide the above information, you may not be able to register and log in, and may not be able to use our products and/or services. During the registration process or after completing the account creation, if you provide your nickname, name, email and other additional information, it will help us to provide you with better services and experiences. If you do not provide this information, it will not affect the basic functions of using the products and services provided by us.

          You acknowledge and agree that we are committed to providing you with the whole electronic industry chain and one-stop service. In order to facilitate your use of other products and/or services we provide for you, when you register as our user, your registered account will be applicable to a variety of products and/or services under the company and its affiliates.

2. Provide you with the service of viewing and browsing products

          In order to provide you with browsing history, search history, shopping cart or order product display services, we will collect your browsing information, search history, shopping cart and purchase products, order information, and conduct data analysis based on this information, predict your preference characteristics, and push you commercial advertisements, commercial sex messages and other marketing information that you may be interested in.

3. Provide purchasing services for you

          When you are ready to pay for the goods in your shopping cart, we will automatically generate an order for you. You need to fill in at least your ordering contact person and contact number, technical contact person and contact number, delivery address and mobile phone number in the order. At the same time, the order will contain the customer number, order number, information of the goods or services you purchase, the time of order, the amount of payment you should pay and the payment method. We will use the above information to realize identity verification, transaction confirmation, payment settlement, commodity delivery, order inquiry, customer service consultation and after-sales service functions. We will also use the above information to determine whether your transaction is abnormal to protect your transaction security.

          Please note that if you order goods or services for another person through our products and/or Services, you will need to provide the above information of the actual purchaser. Before providing us with the above information of the actual purchaser, you should ensure that you have obtained the authorization consent of the purchaser.

4. Provide payment services for you

          If you generate payment settlement in the process of our services, you can choose the payment services provided by the third-party payment institutions we cooperate with. The payment service itself does not collect your personal information, but in the process of payment service, we may need to share your order number and transaction amount information with these payment institutions so that the payment institutions can confirm your payment instructions and complete the payment.

5. Provide you with advance payment service

          You can make advance payment in the advance payment system. In order to facilitate your normal use of the advance payment and refund functions, we need to collect your transfer information, including: your bank card account name, opening bank account number, opening bank name information.

6. Provide billing service for you

          In order to help you issue invoices, we need to collect the VAT/general invoice information you provide to us actively, including: billing company name/individual name, billing subject, address, telephone number, tax number, account number of the opening bank, the name of the opening bank information. In addition, in order to deliver your invoice to you, we need to collect your invoice address information, including: invoice recipient, invoice recipient telephone number, invoice recipient address information.

7. To provide you with commodity delivery services

          After you place an order and complete the online payment or credit exchange for goods, we will collect your order information and receipt information in order to complete the delivery of goods for you. At the same time, we will share your above information with the relevant service providers.

8. Feedback, complaints and dispute resolution

          In order to provide you with assistance and receive feedback, complaints and reports of your use, when you contact us or submit feedback, complaints and disputes dispute resolution applications, in order to verify your identity and provide you with feedback, we need you to provide the necessary personal information. Including the feedback content you submit, your contact information (mobile phone number, E-mail address) and other documents you submit (if any), and the service records, correspondence and call records formed accordingly. When it comes to feedback, complaints and reports related to your order information, we may also query your order information.

          We may send you important notices about our use of the Services and changes to our terms, conditions and policies through the contact information you provide. Because such information is essential to the communication between you and us and to protect your legitimate rights and interests, you may receive such information unless you stop using the Products and/or services.

9. Questionnaire survey

          We may conduct online surveys from time to time to better understand your opinions and suggestions about the products and/or services we provide. When conducting surveys, we need to collect the information submitted by you in the process of answering the questionnaire.

10. Marketing messages

          We may use your mobile number to send you information such as updates to our Services and event announcements (" Marketing Information "). We will fill in the unsubscribe option in the marketing information. If you do not want to receive our marketing information, you can unsubscribe at any time according to the prompts in the marketing information, or contact us through the contact information provided in this privacy policy.

11. Safe operation

          In order to meet the requirements of laws and regulations such as network security and the needs of network security protection, but also to improve the security of your use of products and/or services, protect the personal and property safety of you and third parties or the public from infringement, and better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusions and other security risks, To more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations, we may use or integrate your device information, service log information and information we obtain from third parties through legal authorization to comprehensively judge your operational risks and prevent security incidents in time.

Device information

          In order to ensure the security of products and/or services and detect possible risks, when you use, we will collect the information of the device you use, including the unique device identification number (IDFA, IMEI, Android ID, IMSI), device type, device manufacturer, device model, screen size, system version, browser, mobile phone and mobile phone. MAC address, device location (IP address, GPS location, WiFi information (SSID, BSSID)), phone carrier, network type, and correlating these device information.

2.Log information

          In order to count the user usage of products and/or services and provide you with safe services, when you use the website, we will automatically collect the detailed information of your use of products and/or services and store it as a network log in accordance with relevant legal requirements. This includes your IP address, type of browser, telecom operator, network environment, language used, date and time of access, web browsing history, notification opening history, and length of stay.

          Note that individual device information, log information, etc. are information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person, or use it in combination with personal information, during the combined use, such non-personal information will be regarded as personal information, and we will process such personal information by means of "desensitization, de-identification, and anonymization" unless authorized by you or otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

12. Personal information that is exempt from consent for collection and use by law

          You understand and agree that, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we do not need your authorization or consent to collect and use personal information in the following circumstances:

(1) It is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract to which you are a party, or necessary for the implementation of human resources management in accordance with the labor rules and regulations formulated by law and the collective contract signed by law;

(2) necessary for the performance of statutory duties or obligations;

(3) It is necessary to respond to public health emergencies or to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergency situations;

(4) Conduct news reports and public opinion supervision for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable scope;

(5) In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations to process your own disclosure or other legally disclosed personal information within a reasonable scope, except that it has a significant impact on your personal rights and interests or you explicitly refuse;

(6) other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

13. Copy and paste messages in client software

          When you copy and paste information in the app, and share or receive product/event information that is shared, we will apply to use your clipboard, we will only identify the clipboard content locally, and will not upload your clipboard information to our server.

14. Apply permission application and usage rules

          When you upload your business license to authenticate your business account, or upload relevant attachments to apply for after-sales service of an order, we will ask you to authorize the camera and storage permissions required for the corresponding functions according to the scenarios you wish to use. If you do not agree or cancel the authorization, you will not be able to use the corresponding functions, but it will not affect your use of other functions of the Speemad Mall. You can also manage permissions through "My-Settings-System Permissions".

          When we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance. At the same time, when we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will ask for your consent in advance.

3. How do we use cookies and similar technologies

         Shoppe and its third party partners automatically collect certain types of usage information when you use our Services, read our emails, or otherwise interact with us. We typically collect this information through a variety of tracking technologies, including cookies, web beacons, embedded scripts, location identification technologies, file information, and similar technologies (collectively, "tracking technologies").

         We send Cookies to you in order to determine the identity and login status of the registered user, simplify the steps of your repeated login, and protect the security of your account or data. At the same time, we may collect data obtained from Cookies and similar technologies to analyze how users use our services, improve the quality of our services and optimize the user experience.

         We will not use Cookies and similar technologies for any purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy. You can manage or delete Cookies according to your preferences. Most web browsers automatically accept Cookies, but you can usually clear all Cookies saved on your computer or manage site-specific Cookies in your browser's Settings bar, depending on your needs. However, if you do this, you may need to personally change the user Settings each time you visit the site, and the information you have previously recorded will be deleted, and may have a certain impact on the security of the services you use.

         We may collect information about your device and its software, such as your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, platform type, device type, operating system, date and timestamp (a unique ID that allows us to identify your browser, mobile device or account). We also collect information about how you use our site. When you access our website from a mobile device, we may collect a unique identification number associated with your device or our mobile applications.

         We may collect analytics data or use third-party analytics tools to help us measure site traffic and usage trends to understand the demographics of our users. We may also employ techniques such as applying statistical modeling tools that allow us to identify and contact you across multiple devices.

4. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

(1) Sharing

        We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual outside of our company, except in the following circumstances:

1. Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.

2. We may share your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, or in accordance with the mandatory requirements of government authorities.

3. Sharing with our Affiliates: Your personal information may be shared with our affiliates. We will only share personal information that is necessary and subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If the affiliated company wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will ask for your authorization and consent again.

4. Sharing with partners: We may share order information, account information, payment information, etc. necessary to provide services to you with our business partners. Our business partners include the following types:

        (1) Supplier/service provider. Some of our services will be provided by our business partners only for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you, we may share your personal information with the above partners, including installation and payment services, logistics services, after-sales services, etc. This may include your contact information, order information, payment information, address information, etc., in order to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you.

        (2) Other business partners. We may also share information with partners who entrust us to promote and advertise, but we will only provide these partners with information such as the coverage, effectiveness and statistics of the promotion, and will not provide personal information that can identify you;

        (3) Suppliers, service providers and other partners. We may share, to a minimum extent, information with suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business, such as providing technical infrastructure services entrusted by us, analyzing how our services are used, measuring the effectiveness of our services, providing customer service, etc. We will strictly monitor the security of application program interfaces (apis), software tool development kits (SDKS) and information systems used by authorized partners to obtain relevant information.

        (4) Based on your individual consent. Sharing with other third parties with your separate consent (including but not limited to signing other agreements);

        (5) based on the social and public interests in accordance with laws and regulations.

We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and will only share personal information necessary to provide services. Our partners do not have the right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.

We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with all companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

In order to provide you with our products or services, we may need to entrust the above affiliated companies or partners to process and share your personal information. For information about the entrust processing and sharing of your personal information between our company and third parties, please see the List of Personal Information Shared between our company and third parties.

(2) Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except in the following circumstances:

1. Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy, otherwise we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again.

(3) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information if:

        1. After obtaining your explicit consent;

        2. Disclosure Based on law: In the case of law, legal procedure, lawsuit or mandatory requirements of government authorities, we may disclose your personal information to the above regulatory authorities.

        According to the law, sharing, transferring and disclosing the de-identified personal information and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re-identify the personal information subject do not belong to the external sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information, and the storage and processing of such data will not need to notify you separately and obtain your consent.

        Please note that the information you voluntarily publish or even publicly share when using the products and/or services may involve personal information or even sensitive personal information of you or others. Please consider more carefully what you publish or even publicly share when using the products and/or services.

5. How do we protect your personal information

1. Technical measures for data security

        In order to protect your information security, we will take a variety of reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information, so that your information will not be leaked, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, information encryption storage, data center access control, dedicated network channels and proxies. We also take strict management of employees who may have access to your information, including but not limited to adopting different authority control according to different positions, signing confidentiality agreements with them, monitoring relevant operations and other measures. We will provide appropriate security measures to protect your information according to the existing technology and provide reasonable security. We will try our best to ensure that your information is not leaked, damaged or lost at any time.

2. Secure authentication

        We are committed to providing all-round protection for your information security. At present, the system has passed the three-level protection certification of the Ministry of Public Security Information system. We will also build an information security system to resist and deal with all kinds of information security threats in a timely manner to provide all-round protection for your information security. However, please be aware and understand that the Internet is not an absolutely secure environment and we strongly encourage you to help us keep your account safe by using secure methods and complex passwords. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially your account or password, please contact us immediately according to the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy, so that we can take appropriate measures.

3. Contractual guarantee with third parties

        Before we share your personal information with other third parties, we will strictly require them to bear the obligations and responsibilities of information protection. To this end, we will require the third party to sign a data processing agreement before cooperation or set out the terms of data protection in the cooperation agreement signed by both parties. The agreement strictly stipulates that the confidentiality obligations of the third party to the user's information, including the storage, use and circulation of information, shall meet our control requirements and accept our review, supervision and audit. Once there is any violation, we will require the other party to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

4. Personal information security incidents

        After the unfortunate occurrence of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions that you can prevent and reduce the risk independently, and the remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the relevant information of the incident by email, letter, phone call, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will make a public announcement in a reasonable and effective way. At the same time, we will also report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

6. How do we store your personal information

        Storage location. In principle, the personal information collected and generated by us in the People's Republic of China will be stored in the People's Republic of China, except in the following circumstances: laws and regulations have clear provisions; Obtain your authorization and consent separately. In the above circumstances, we will and require the data recipient to process personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and other relevant security and confidentiality measures.

        2. Storage duration. We promise that we will only retain your personal information for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in the Privacy Policy, unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law (e.g., the E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China requires that the storage time of goods and services information and transaction information is not less than three years from the date of completion of the transaction; And other circumstances where a reasonable extension is required for financial, audit, dispute resolution, etc.). After your personal information has exceeded its retention period, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it as required by applicable laws.

        3. Cessation of operation of products and/or services. In the event that products and/or services cease to operate, unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations or normative documents, we will inform you of such circumstances, stop collecting your personal information in time, and delete or anonymize the personal information that has been collected. If anonymization and erasure are not possible (for example, if your personal information is already stored in backup), we will store your personal information securely and separate it from other data processing, thereby restricting any further processing of it.

7. Your rights

        We attach great importance to your concerns about personal information, and do our best to protect your rights to access, correct, copy, delete and withdraw consent to your personal information, so that you have the full ability to protect your privacy and security. Your rights include:

1. Access and correct your personal information.

        Except as required by laws and regulations, you have the right to access and correct your personal information at any time. We provide you with channels to access and correct your information in the specific interface of our products and/or services. You may also request access to your personal information by sending an email to the personal information protection officer specified in the "How to contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy. If you find that your personal information collected, stored, used or disclosed by us is incorrect or incomplete, Or in the process of exercising the above rights, you may contact us through the "How to contact us" described in this Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise agreed in this Privacy Policy, we will promptly respond to your request after verifying your identity.

2. Delete your personal information

You may request us to delete your personal information in the following circumstances:

(1) if our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2) if we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3) if our processing of personal information violates our agreement with you;

(4) If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account;

(5) if we no longer provide products or services to you.

        If you intend to delete your personal information, you have the right to request or consult us to delete your personal information through the contact information set forth in Article 11 of this Privacy Policy (except for data anonymization processing or otherwise provided by laws and regulations). Unless otherwise agreed by laws and regulations or this Privacy Policy, we will promptly respond after verifying your identity.

        Please note that when you successfully log out of our account, we will delete or anonymize your personal information. When you delete the relevant information on your own or with our assistance, we may not be able to delete the relevant information from the system immediately due to the limitations of applicable laws or security technologies. We will securely store your personal information and guarantee not to do any further processing until it can be deleted or anonymized.

3. Withdraw the agreed authorization

        Some of the features in our products and/or services may require your authorization. Please understand that each service and function requires you to provide some necessary personal information to complete. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the services and functions corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, and will no longer process your corresponding personal information.

        You can change the scope of your authorization consent or withdraw your authorization by contacting us as specified in Article 11 of this Privacy Policy, and we will not collect any information related to these authorization after that. However, if you change the scope of your authorization consent or withdraw the authorization, we may not be able to continue to provide you with the corresponding services. At the same time, you know and understand that we will continue to store or disclose the personal information provided by you before you change the scope of your authorization consent or withdraw the authorization in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

4. Account cancellation

        You can apply for the cancellation of your registered account in the APP. The path to cancel the account is: Personal Center - Settings - Delete Account. The cancellation of your account may result in all your data and information being erased and irrecoverable; However, in certain circumstances (e.g., reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse), we will retain anonymized information that does not identify an individual after cancellation.

        Please note that your cancellation is ir

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